Anansi: The Spider Man

Nyami: The Sky God

Osebo: The leopard

Mmboro: Hornets



Anansi: Many years ago there were no stories on earth for us to hear. All the stories belonged to Nyami the sky spirit. He kept them in a golden box next to his throne.

Anansi climbs his web to the sky.

Scene 1

Nyami: Sits on throne.

Anansi: Nyami, great spirit. You have left the people without stories. Why did you leave?

Nyami: I made the people and they have made fires and burned my forests. They have made weapons and killed my beasts. I have left the people and taken the stories to keep me company.

Anansi: But the stories will help teach people good ways to be. I want to bring the stories to people so we can learn and believe.

Nyami: So you want my stories, but are you brave?

Anansi: What do you mean?

Nyami: Will you complete the tasks that I name?

Anansi: Whatever you say.

Nyami: You must bring me the savage jungle leopard, and the hornets who sting like fire. Then I will give you the stories. Is it a deal?

Anansi: It is.

Nyami: Laughs. How can an old man like you, so small, do these deeds?

Anansi: Walking away. Goodbye for now, Nyami.

Nyami: Laughing fades.










Scene 2

Osebo: Slinks in and crawls across stage. Arrgh, I�m hungry.

Anansi: Enters hunting. Speaks to himself. There�s Osebo, the Leopard.

To Osebo: Hey there Osebo, Hello.

Osebo: Aha! Anansi- you are just in time to be my dinner.

Anansi: As for that we will see. First, let�s play a game.

Osebo: What game?

Anansi: The binding-binding game.

Osebo: The binding-binding game, how do you play.

Anansi: With creepers from the vine. Takes rope from offstage.

I will tie you up and see if I can get you tied up good, then, you tie me up.

Osebo: Sounds fun, when I�ve got you tied up I�ll eat you.

Anansi: Ties up Osebo.

Are you tied up tight?

Osebo: Yes, Anansi, very good. Now untie me.

Anansi: I�ll untie you later. First, are you ready to meet Nyami, the spirit of the sky.

Osebo: Oh no, you tricked me. Arghh!

Anansi: Ties Osebo to something. I�ll come back for you later.


Scene 3

Mmboro: Buzz around the stage.

We hate bees, yellow jackets too.

wasps are ugly,

hornets rule!

Anansi: To himself.

There are the Mmboro. I will catch them.

Runs offstage

Mmboro: We hate bees, yellow jackets too.

wasps are ugly,

hornets rule!

Anansi: Enters carrying a jug (or calabash) and a water gun. Sprays Mmboro with water.

Its raining, its raining, hurry up and hide in here.

Holds up the jug and runs with it.

Mmboro: Chase Anansi offstage.

Anansi: Enters with jug(calabash) capped.

Now I�ve got the two prizes Nyami wanted. I will bring them to him and he will give me the stories.

Scene 4


Nyami: Sits on his throne.

I don�t believe it, Anansi, back so soon.

Anansi: Enters dragging Osebo and carrying jug with Mmboro.

I have brought the payment you had asked for.

Nyami: Why Anansi, I am impressed. You can have the box of stories and from this time on, my stories will belong to you. They will be called "spider stories."

Anansi: Thank you Nyami, Oh great sky spirit.

Nyami: Hands Anansi the box.

Now take the box and when you reach earth, open it. Let all the stories go free to make the earth a happy place.

Anansi: Thank you, goodbye.

Nyami: Thank you brave spider, Anansi.