The heroFather: Also plays Moon
Grass: Also plays River
Willow: Also plays Mountain
River: Also plays Grass
Moon: Also plays Father
Mountain: Also plays Willow
Father: Picking the weeds from the grass.
Lu�ren: Enters.
Hello dad.
Father: Hello Lu�ren. Would you help me pull these weeds?
Lu�ren: Yeah, sure. Begins weeding. Stops and thinks.
Papa. Why do you think plants grow upwards?
Father: Thinks for a moment. Because the sky is father to the plants and the plants want to be with their father.
Lu�ren: Do you really think that�s true though?
Father: I don�t know. It�s an idea though.
Lu�ren: I�m going to take a walk and think, see you later.
Father: Okay, see you later. Exits stage left.
Lu�ren: Exits stage right.
Grass: Enters sprinkling green paper strips everywhere.
Lu�ren: Returns and sits down center stage on the green paper.
Plays with the grass.
Grass why do you grow upwards?
Grass: To make a playground for all the living things.
Lu�ren: That is a nice answer, but do you think it�s true.
Grass: I don�t know, do you?
Lu�ren: I�m going to keep walking.
Grass: Okay, see you. Grass exits stage left.
Lu�ren: Exits stage right.
Willow: Stands center stage hunched over, arms (branches) hanging down. Could make some simple hanging branches.
Lu�ren: Enters. I�m tired, I think I�ll rest.
Lies down in front of Willow. Suddenly sits up.
Why does everything else grow up, but you grow down?
Willow: Because, my dear, all of your answers will have their exceptions.
Lu�ren: Is that true?
Willow: I can�t think of one that won�t.
Lu�ren: Now I can�t sleep.
Exits stage right.
Willow: Exits stage left.
Lu�ren: Returns, walking, looks up. The moon is so beautiful. I�m going to watch it
Lies down.
Moon: Enters, floating across the stage, in front of Lu�ren.
Lu�ren: Why Moon, does every question have more then one answer.
Moon: I can not give you an answer in words child, because life is a dream that I watch as all the children sleep.
Lu�ren: I don�t know what that means.
Moon: You won�t while you�re awake.
Lu�ren: Thanks, I think.
Walks away.
River: Rushes in carrying sheet.
Lu�ren: To the river.
River, River, wait. Where do dreams come from?
River: The dream starts from the beginning.
Lu�ren: But where is the beginning?
River: It starts from up high, like I do, from the mountains.
Lu�ren: But how do we get there?
River: Don�t you know, silly, that all things grow upwards?
Lu�ren: Here we go again.
River: Runs off.
Lu�ren: Sighs.
Sits down, looks off in the distance.
Jumps up.
The mountain. Runs offstage.
Mountain: Stands tall.
Lu�ren: Everywhere I�ve gone, I�ve asked a simple question. Every answer has been different, and only brought more questions. So now I�ll ask my original question. Why do we grow up?
Mountain: Curious child, it�s true that I�m the tallest. And since I am, I don�t reach for anything higher then I am. I simply am, so I do not need to ask such questions. I can not answer your question. You will find your answer but only by asking yourself why you reach.
Lu�ren: Thank you wise mountain. I�ll think about what you said on my way home.
Walks off stage.
Father: Enters stage left. Chops wood.
Lu�ren: Enters stage right.
Father: Hello Lu�ren. Where have you been?
Lu�ren: I�ve just been walking and thinking.
Father: Well, welcome home I was worried. I�m going to start a fire to make dinner, come inside soon.
Lu�ren: Thanks, I�m starving.
Father: Exits stage left.
Lu�ren: Sits down facing audience. Closes eyes and meditates.
I�ve got it.
Jumps up.
Because life is always reaching for, not being with the heavens.