The universe was like an egg. Outside the egg
was all light, that’s why the
egg is white. Inside the egg there was no light and itwas only dark. The light
outside the egg was so bright it wanted to move into the darkness, the darkness
inside the egg was so dark it wanted to move into the brightness. They pushed
against each other until the shell cracked and they spilled into one another.
The darkness was watery, and flowed around the light. The watery darkness became
the moon and the light became the sun. The light of the sun mixed with water
to make colors. Yellow grew into wood. Red made fire, blue made wind, white
made metal, brown made earth. In this way all five elements were born. The five
elements spread outward in the five directions. South, east, north, west, and
up to the midpoint of the sky.
The five elements brushing against each other made music. Wind and metal together made a flute-like song. Wind and wood sounded like a recorder. Fire with wood sounds like a rattle. Fire with wind sounds like a horn. The sound of water and earth is like a xylophone. Each note hung in space and became a planet. There are eight planets, just like there are eight notes, and the ninth planet, Pluto, is the space between the last note and the first. That is why it is more of a rock then a planet. The eighth note is called B-natural. It is the space between B and C. The music of the five elements made the orbits of the planets. There was another note between E and F, but it was too unstable and it blew up. That is what caused the asteroid belt.
The universe is always singing. Each planet has its own voice, and its own story. By singing the planets speak with one another. The waves of the music push the broken pieces of the shell of the universal egg deep into space to make the stars.